Pack 1169 Volunteer Opportunities
Cub Scouting is a family activity. We welcome your family to our pack meetings and other pack activities. To be successful we need each family to help by volunteering for at least one pack activity during the year. We would like to use your talents and interests to develop the best possible program for your sons. Please sign up for 1 or more of the activities below. Thank you. Just email your Den Leader or Cubmaster(s) with your choices and any questions you may have. Many of the available positions only require a few hours commitment. We truly need your time and talent to make scouting a joyful experience for everyone.
Web Administrator
Manages website and Pack email accounts
Creates newsletters and flyers
Popcorn Kernel
August - November
Consolidate Pack orders, distribute and arrange Den times to sell at "table sales"
Picnic Meal helpers:
For the fall campout in September
Prepare and serve picnic meals at Lake Fairfax
Scouting for Food Coordinator
Arrange for maps and locations
Pick up and distribute bags to Dens
Arrange for collection and weighing of food and delivery
Toys for Tots Coordinator
December Pack meeting
Coordinates the annual Pack toy collection and donation
Bake-Off Coordinator
December Pack meeting
Arrange and oversee event including decorations, judging, and food set up and teardown
PWD Shop Day Helpers
Early January
Assist cubmaster and cubscouts in all aspects of car construction
Pinewood Derby Chair
January Pack Meeting
Assist cubmaster to oversee all aspects of event
Pinewood Derby Assistant Chair
January Pack Meeting
assist chair with event
Pinewood Derby Awards Chair
January Pack Meeting
Orders and pics up awards to be distributed at event
Pinewood Derby Food Coordinator
January Pack Meeting
Purchase and serve food during event
Pinewood Derby Check-in
January Pack Meeting
Handles the registration of card and competitors
Pinewood Derby Set-up
January Pack Meeting
Set up and pre-test track
Pinewood Derby Timers
January Pack Meeting
Operates the timing system and computer program during event
Pinewood Derby Car Wranglers
January Pack Meeting
Manages the transportation and staging of the cars at the beginning of each race
Pinewood Derby Pit Mechanic/Tech Inspection
January Pack Meeting
Operates a pit area where there are tools and supplies available for last minute repairs to registered cars
Pinewood Derby Design Judges
January Pack Meeting
Reviews all registered cars and assigns winners for the various design awards
Blue and Gold Banquet Committee
February Pack Meeting
Blue and Gold Banquet Games
February Pack Meeting
Design and prepare games for the event
Court of Honor Ceremony Coordinators
March Pack Meeting
Assist cubmaster in arranging event including:
the Fire Ceremony
Arrow Ceremony
Bridge construction
Court of Honor Committee Members
March Pack Meeting
Help with ceremony coordinators
Cubanapolis Coordinator
April Pack Meeting
Plan event including music, car construction, prizes, and track set-up
Cubanapolis Race Officials
March Pack Meeting
Lake Fairfax Campout Food Coordinator
June Pack Meeting
Arrange and shop for dinner, evening campfire snack, and breakfast
Lake Fairfax Grill Cooks
June event
Run grill during event
Lake Fairfax Campout Breakfast Coordinator
June event
Preparation and set up for breakfast
Raingutter Regatta - Pack Pool Party
July event
Oversee event, food, set up and take down
Summer Day Camp Coordinator
Accept applications and registration fees
Consolidate paperwork
Coordinate schedule on site
Actual camp dates are in June
Goshen Camp Coordinator
Accept applications and registration fees
Consolidate paperwork
Coordinate schedule on site
Actual camp dates are in July